DIY Bikini Waxing

Waxing is a stressful activity, and can also be quite painful at times. But its something we endure to achieve that perfect look. There are several waxing procedures which one can have done, but by far one of the most stressful waxing procedure is the Bikini Line Waxing. Because in this variant, there is the added awkwardness of exposing your most private bits to a stranger. Of course they’re there to do the procedure for you, eliminating the risk of messing up the procedure yourself, but still it is awkward. Almost all the good salons offer multiple waxing procedures where you go and have it done; of course some people prefer to do it themselves who don’t want to go through with the awkwardness or simply don’t have the time to go to the salon.
If you plan to take the DIY route believing you can do this then I have some news for you. Going the do-it-yourself route doesn’t come without its risks, however. Because you don’t know what you’re doing (most of the time), there’s more room for error. You run the risk of burning and bruising yourself, or even pulling off skin—but yanking off a layer of your epidermis generally only happens if you wax an area that you apply retinol to or one that’s been sunburnt. Experts say that you should leave the tricky procedures such as the Brazilian waxing and Bikini Line Waxing to the professionals. And if your hair isn’t longer than a quarter of an inch, keep the wax coming and keep reapplying. If by chance you are experienced enough to attempt this on your own, then take a pre treatment dose of painkillers like Advil to help minimize the pain.
Here is how you do it step by step:
Exfoliate the area to get rid of dead skin cells
Protect your underwear from the wax by folding a tissue or paper towels around the edges of the elastic bands.
After heating up your wax (if your kit requires it), sit on the floor with your knees slightly bent and your legs turned outward.
Apply a pre-wax oil to the area. Experts recommend the use of waxing oil instead of baby powder since baby powder may dry out your skin.
Test the temperature of the wax on your forearm before applying it to your bikini area.
Stretch your skin and use the spatula to apply a thick layer of wax in small strips against the direction of your hair growth.
Hold your skin taut, grab an end of the wax strip, and pull against the direction of hair growth.
Clean up the area with a post-wax cleanser. Use cold Aloe Vera Gel on the skin, it will help with the pain and burning sensation plus its great for the skin and will make it super smooth.
If you have attempted the steps correctly then you would have performed a perfect bikini line wax.